Chucks Anime Shrine: February 2009

2/2009 Blog Archive (edited on 3/10/2015)

Note: Supposedly this page was in violation of Adsense's new rules about sexy page content.

"Google ads may not be placed on pages with adult or mature content. This includes, but is not limited to, pages with images or videos containing:

  • Strategically covered nudity
  • Sheer or see-through clothing
  • Lewd or provocative poses
  • Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches"

To rectify this, we truncated the page and posted images that comply to these new rules


We apologize if showing attractive animated girls or women willfully displaying their sexuality hurt -kin feels and caused many to be triggered.

(archive of original page before forced removal of content)

(email sent by Adsense about said violation)

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